
Chasing the Shadow: Tips for Traveling Photographers during the Solar Eclipse

On August 21, 2017, a rare astronomical event will occur – a total solar eclipse will cast its shadow over the United States. As a traveling photographer, capturing this spectacular event is an opportunity not to be missed. To make the most of the solar eclipse, photographers need not only the right photography equipment, but also the knowledge and techniques to create stunning images. This article will provide you with tips and advice for photographing the solar eclipse, from planning your trip to the technical details needed to create unforgettable images.

Plan Your Trip in Advance

The solar eclipse will create a shadow that moves quickly, so as a traveling photographer you will need to plan your trip in advance. Research the best location in the United States to capture the solar eclipse, as well as the ideal time and angle from which to take your photographs. If you plan to travel to a different part of the country to photograph the eclipse, make sure to book accommodations as soon as possible.

Another important of your plan should be the right equipment. As a photographer, you already know how essential it is to have the right gear for the job. In this case, you will need a good quality camera, a sturdy tripod, a lens with a good zoom range, and appropriate filters. The filters will allow you to capture the solar eclipse without risking damage to your camera.

Understand the Path and Timing of the Solar Eclipse

To get the most optimal photographs of the solar eclipse, it’s important to try to understand the path of the eclipse as well as the timing. When the solar eclipse is close to your location, you will need to scope out the area before the event. Before you head out, it’s a good idea to identify a few points from which to photograph the eclipse, so that you can move quickly during the event.

Taking into account the direction and angle of the eclipse as well as the time frame in which it will occur will help you make the best use of your time. Try to arrive at your shooting location ahead of time, so that you can get set up and ready for the eclipse as the shadow moves over your location.

Research Best Techniques for Capturing the Solar Eclipse

The unique event of the solar eclipse will require specific techniques for capturing the shadow. Do some research on the best techniques for photographing the solar eclipse, such as exposure settings, aperture, and shutter speed. Experiment with different techniques beforehand, so that you have a good understanding of how the images will look once the event occurs.

One technique that will help you capture a stunning photo of the solar eclipse is to take a series of continuous images. This is called “bracketing” and it will allow you to capture a variety of exposures. Once the eclipse starts, try to take as many different shots as possible while ensuring that your camera is steady. The key here is to be patient, and take a few extra minutes to carefully take a shot to make sure the result is stunning.

Get Inspired By Other Photographers

Finally, the best advice for creating stunning images of the solar eclipse is to get inspiration from other photographers. Research other photographers’ work in the form of books, photographs, or websites. Analyze what makes their images stand out, and try to emulate some of the same techniques. This will help you take your solar eclipse photography to the next level.

The solar eclipse is an incredibly rare and special event, and as a traveling photographer, it’s a unique opportunity to capture an unforgettable moment. In order to do that, it’s essential to plan your trip in advance, understand the path and timing of the eclipse, research best techniques, and seek inspiration in other photographers’ work. By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to capture stunning images of the solar eclipse.